Betsy Goes to Murder Prom

Every year hundreds of gunlicking death fetishists come together (pun intended) at the San Diego Gun Owners 2nd Amendment Celebration at San Diego’s Hotel del Coronado. We imagine the patriots in attendance have an unspoken “what happens at the San Diego Gun Owners 2nd Amendment Celebration stays at the San Diego Gun Owners 2nd Amendment Celebration” agreement with their mildewed blow-up dolls, resulting in a weekend of orgiastic ecstasy as they fondle OPP (Other Patriots’ Pistols) and slobber over products designed to help them kill people. The gallery hall is full of This grotesque jizzfest of toxic masculinity and homicide worship that it is known locally as MURDER PROM.

San Diego Betsy was not invited to Murder Prom, but that didn’t stop her from dropping by.

Fuck the NRA

Kansas Betsies baked a special cake to commemorate the wholesale selling of their state to the murder lobby by Gov. Sam “Bloody Hands” Brownback and the simpering, gutless higher ed administrators who cravenly decreed that the permitless carry of guns will now be allowed at all colleges and universities starting this summer.

Betsy Goes to Murder-Con

In late April of 2017, a pussy-grabbing fascist megalomaniac traveled to Atlanta, Georgia, to speak to the brownshirts at the NRA Annual Meeting, that organization having gotten the piece of shit elected leader of the Free World™ (with a little help from their mutual friends in Moscow) and finally calling in a little reacharound.

Hundreds of shartsnuffling chodes wandered the grounds in their NRA lanyards, wrists sore from all the barrel-stroking, when what to their douchey besunglassed eyes did appear but Betsy buzzing from far and from near.

This is her story–set to “The March of the Women,” a 1910 suffragette anthem by Ethel Smyth and Cicely Hamilton.

It’s a Bird! It’s a plane! It’s Betsy Riot!



/fək’ thē in’ är ā/

plural: betsies, betsys, a riot of betsies

1. an unapologetic feminist patriot who has fucking had enough of Trump culture and gun culture and the death and terror they inflict on America

2. a nonviolent act of civil disobedience against fascism, Trump, or gun culture


past tense: betsied

to prank, lambaste, and generally fuck up whitewing gunlicking bullshit

“That riot of betsies betsied the shit out of the gun show.”

Betsy Interrupts a Weeniesqueeze

TFW you and your hatriot buds are all ready to whip out the vienna sausages for your weeniesqueeze when what’s that overhead? It’s Betsy Buzzkill.

Spotted on the Streets of Atlanta

A new fan of Betsy sent us this picture from #NRAAM2017 in Atlanta.

Betsy Joins the Die-In

The Betsy FuckYourGunsMobile joined other protestors at the Die-In at Woodruff Park in Atlanta at the #NRAAM2017

En Route to Atlanta

Spotted en route to Atlanta: the Betsy Billboard! If you are in the city, go check it out. You can find it at the Die-In at Woodruff Park 11:30-2:00. 

Betsy Readies Her Aeroplane for the 2017 NRA Jizzfest

Betsy is on her way to the NRA convention, where she will troll the shit out of gunlicking, knuckledragging pants-creamers with an airplane banner and mobile billboard. Fuck your guns.