Betsy Goes to Murder-Con

In late April of 2017, a pussy-grabbing fascist megalomaniac traveled to Atlanta, Georgia, to speak to the brownshirts at the NRA Annual Meeting, that organization having gotten the piece of shit elected leader of the Free World™ (with a little help from their mutual friends in Moscow) and finally calling in a little reacharound.

Hundreds of shartsnuffling chodes wandered the grounds in their NRA lanyards, wrists sore from all the barrel-stroking, when what to their douchey besunglassed eyes did appear but Betsy buzzing from far and from near.

This is her story–set to “The March of the Women,” a 1910 suffragette anthem by Ethel Smyth and Cicely Hamilton.

From the Front Seat of the Betsy FuckYourGunsmobile

So what’s it like to drive the Betsy FuckYourGunsmobile through downtown Atlanta when Trump is in town for the Annual NRA Sausagestroke? Our Betsy driver sent us this video. Stay tuned for more from Betsy Riot at the #NRAAM tomorrow! We have a little something extra planned. Follow our page for updates and LIKE and SHARE our dispatches from Gunfucksville.