That feeling when United States Senator Ben Sasse is so upset that women in his state call him out for the woman-hating, gunlicking fake conscientious asshole that he is that he runs to his mama for protection.
Doug Peterson Needs to Shut Up
Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson has written a letter supporting the continued detention and refusal of medical services to an immigrant girl in Texas. Peterson believes two things: 1) a teenage girl detained by ICE in Texas should be forced to give birth against her wishes, and 2) his opinion as AG of a different state has fuckall to do with this. Betsies wondered what kind of creepy fuck sticks his nose into the private parts of a captive teenage girl and put up some signage in his neighborhood. Of course he and his neighbors find the flyers scandalous, not his use of his authority to try to influence another state to forcibly breed a minor.
Protect Dreamers, Deport Trump
Crete, Nebraska decided several years ago that it could go the way of so many middle-American small towns and slowly die, or it could do the smart, humane thing and embrace the immigrants who want to live and work there and make it their home. They chose the rational option and embraced their proud history as an immigrant destination and the small town is now flourishing, with a vibrant main street. The public schools are over 40% immigrant kids, announcements over the PA system are bilingual (as is all the material coming home from school), and the guidance counselor at the high school is a proud Dreamer. It’s no wonder these signs have started popping up in town.
Illinois NRA Wankfest
Illinois Betsies learned that the Lake County Republican Party was holding an NRA wankfest right after yet another massacre. And it’s always right after yet another massacre because this is the NRA’s America. So Betsy left this calling card for the LaPierre toadies setting up the “Second Amendment Dinner and Gun Raffle,” which was selling guns to benefit the GOP…as all gun sales do.
Justice for Cobo
This week when Louisville KY police responded to a call, Corey Boykin, aka Cobo, opened the door. The police did not identify themselves or ask him to put his hands up, instead opening fire immediately and without warning. A Betsy dropped this banner this morning. The American gun industry profits off of every gun, every shooting, and the militarization of the police. Melt the guns.
The Festering Moral Rot at the Core of America
The gun industry is the festering moral rot at the core of America. Gun culture is where racism, misogyny, xenophobia, the police state, and the worst excesses of unbridled capitalism intersect. That is why we at the Betsy Riot do not fuss with the particulars of this or that gun legislation and instead maintain the position FUCK YOUR GUNS and MELT THEM ALL. We want the total destruction of the firearms industry and we want the population and police disarmed. Melt them down.
We call on all betsies to ACT. If you call your representative do not ask them to please support or withdraw from this or that fucked up shit legislation. Tell them to MELT THE FUCKING GUNS. Tell them that we will no longer allow an industry to capitalize on ignorance, fear, and slaughter. Tell your GOP Congressman that he is a FESTERING PUDDLE OF BLOODY GUNLICKING HUMAN SHIT because Jesus H Christ that is exactly what he is and your feel-good high-roader liberal political group’s postcards and petitions do not mean a damned thing to him.
Show up at their offices and front lawns and use EVERY AVAILABLE NONVIOLENT METHOD to demand that these fucking deatheating assholes put the lives in their commmunities above blood money. Stick a sign in their front lawns announcing to their very lovely McMansion neighborhood that a diseased NRA anus lives in this house. STOP PUTTING COMFORT FIRST.