Sasse’s Mama

That feeling when United States Senator Ben Sasse is so upset that women in his state call him out for the woman-hating, gunlicking fake conscientious asshole that he is that he runs to his mama for protection.

Doug Peterson Needs to Shut Up

Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson has written a letter supporting the continued detention and refusal of medical services to an immigrant girl in Texas. Peterson believes two things: 1) a teenage girl detained by ICE in Texas should be forced to give birth against her wishes, and 2) his opinion as AG of a different state has fuckall to do with this. Betsies wondered what kind of creepy fuck sticks his nose into the private parts of a captive teenage girl and put up some signage in his neighborhood. Of course he and his neighbors find the flyers scandalous, not his use of his authority to try to influence another state to forcibly breed a minor.


Gun Industry Predator Registry

Republican U.S. Representative Peter Roskam of Illinois’s 6th District is a douche with an A rating from the NRA (whilst simultaneously claiming to be “pro life,” lulz) even as the biggest city in his state–which is powerless to pass its own gun regulations, not that it matters when the city is right next to blood-red Indiana–suffers an epidemic of gun deaths. Roskam is content to throw his fellow Illinoisans into the jaws of America’s morally depraved firearm industry, so Illinois Betsies left a calling card in his yard to alert his neighborhood to the fact that they live next to a piece of shit. We have a sexual predator registry. It’s time for a gun industry predator registry.

Love Letter from Betsy

US Senator Mitch “Murder Turtle” McConnell eats a diet of leafy green NRA money and shits it out on American democracy. The home of this SCOTUS-grabbing gun whore received a love letter from Betsy last night.


The Only Silencer America Needs

This country-destroying, violence-mongering, racist POS deatheater can go right ahead and shut the fuck up. And for more information on Mr. LaPierre, please do consult the facelift Betsy Riot gave his web site.


The Festering Moral Rot at the Core of America

The gun industry is the festering moral rot at the core of America. Gun culture is where racism, misogyny, xenophobia, the police state, and the worst excesses of unbridled capitalism intersect. That is why we at the Betsy Riot do not fuss with the particulars of this or that gun legislation and instead maintain the position FUCK YOUR GUNS and MELT THEM ALL. We want the total destruction of the firearms industry and we want the population and police disarmed. Melt them down.

We call on all betsies to ACT. If you call your representative do not ask them to please support or withdraw from this or that fucked up shit legislation. Tell them to MELT THE FUCKING GUNS. Tell them that we will no longer allow an industry to capitalize on ignorance, fear, and slaughter. Tell your GOP Congressman that he is a FESTERING PUDDLE OF BLOODY GUNLICKING HUMAN SHIT because Jesus H Christ that is exactly what he is and your feel-good high-roader liberal political group’s postcards and petitions do not mean a damned thing to him.

Show up at their offices and front lawns and use EVERY AVAILABLE NONVIOLENT METHOD to demand that these fucking deatheating assholes put the lives in their commmunities above blood money. Stick a sign in their front lawns announcing to their very lovely McMansion neighborhood that a diseased NRA anus lives in this house. STOP PUTTING COMFORT FIRST.

Betsy vs. Betsy


Oligarch Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education Dismantlement, visited Lincoln, Nebraska last week to survey how the community is caring for its young riffraff. Unable to find a suitable workhouse where the urchins could be put to a profitable task such as picking oakum or pasting labels on Amway bottles, she was forced to dismount from her carriage at one of the city’s public schools, this one with a focus on something called “science,” which Mme DeVos knows must be trampled out if we are to properly train young workers to serve God and Koch.

The Betsy Riot, feeling rather contrary to Mme DeVos’s designs to fuck up the bedrock of a healthy democracy and also not particularly caring for her awful positions on LGBTQIA youth, special needs kids, and sexual assault, stood in the blistering heat to protest the oligarch’s presence, which they suspect was timed to coincide with their oligarch governor’s efforts to establish charter schools in the state. The Betsies were joined by hundreds of other Lincoln residents who value their children and their fine schools more than kleptocracy, one of whom stopped to get a photo (shared here) with the Betsies.

White Nationalist Assholes

These California Betsies live in California’s 50th congressional district, an otherwise lovely place marred by shitstreak Congressman Duncan Hunter and the white nationalist assholes who voted him in. Hunter hates young immigrants who are productive members of society about as much as he hates people being able to go to the doctor. At the same time, Hunter is a big fan of the NRA and, according to the Office of Congressional Ethics, may enjoy dipping into his campaign donations to buy his family jewelry, groceries, and medical bills… you know, because who needs affordable healthcare when you have a campaign pot to dip into? So California Betsies visited Hunter’s office and called him out for the polyped rectum that he is.