“You’re A Betsy Now”
Sugar Mae Leonard Betsy and Florence Mayweather Betsy build up iron jaws at the Betsy Riot training facility in Sweet Lips, Tennessee.
Are you a Betsy? If you have moxy and are ready to stand up to gun culture you are. Anyone can be a Betsy. Look for tips to get started at www.betsyriot.com.
The Story of Betsy and The United Way
The United Way, whose mission is improving communities and advancing the common good, is unconscionably allowing a New Mexico UW office to purchase and raffle off 108 guns, including an AR15 like the one used to murder children at Sandy Hook. The United Way is helping to pour over a hundred guns into a state that has the sixth highest gun death rate for women and kids. So last night Betsies in at least twelve cities across the country took to United Way offices with signs and chalk to let them know that this is absolutely fucked up and no organization claiming to help women and kids should be profiting off of their deaths. No donations to United Way until their CEO Brian Gallagher grows a freaking pair and cancels this abomination. What were you thinking, United Way?
Shoutout to Betsies in Arizona, Illinois, Virginia, Nebraska, Texas, Georgia, Kansas, Washington, Michigan, New York, and Minnesota.