The Nebraska Betsies have proven so successful at getting in the face of “family values” congressmen who hypocritically support a national agenda of pussy grabbing, breaking up immigrant families, taking away the healthcare of millions, ruining public education, treasonously embracing Russian totalitarianism as a way of life, and enriching billionaires on the backs of the poor–along with countless other anti-neighborly, safety-destroying fascist policies–that this US SENATOR and US REP, both of whom were riled by Betsy Riot protests in their home state in the last week, have been driven to create a Betsy Riot Victim Support Group for Whiny Snowflake Politicians with Hurt Feewings.
ACTUAL PHONE CALL TRANSCRIPT (seriously): “Hello, Rep. Jeff Fortenberry? It’s Sen. Ben Sasse. Listen, man, I’ve been where you’re at. I know you’re hurting. I just want you to know I’m here for you. Those Betsies with those signs and masks and all that nasty talk and stuff–whoooooweeee, they’re mean! Just let the mantears flow, brother. There’s no shame. Let’s get together sometime and talk about it. I’ll bring the coffee and donuts. You bring the Russian vodka, Klan hoods and Holy Bibles with all the parts about polygamy, slavery, and incest underlined.”
You cowardly fuckfaces. If you want to support fascism and oppress women and ruin families and destroy lives, at least have the strength of character to force your simpering balls back down from the recesses of your body cavities and face the public anger your actions generate.
Or maybe you could just do the right thing.
Congratulations to the Nebraska Betsies once again!