Betsies around the country are making flyers opposing the PGOTUS (Pussy Grabber of the United States). This one is in Washington. Get off your computer and do a little something to fuck up fascism today.
Betsy Visits the Nebraska State Capitol
The governor of Nebraska, Pete Ricketts, is a Trumplicker who is hell-bent on executing people even when his own state legislature is against it and the federal government says he can’t import the drugs. Recently, even as he announced a state budget shortfall and cutbacks to education, he found the resources to send law enforcement officers to North Dakota to help quash the protest of DAPL there. So today a riot of betsies silently protested at his extremely Jesusy Christmas ceremony at the Nebraska state Capitol building. They were eventually ejected by police. The middle sign says “Trump is Putin’s puppet” in Russian.
“Alliance Defending Freedom”
A Betsy received this missive from “Alliance Defending Freedom.” You may be tempted to think, “Why, yes, with a pussy-grabbing nazi turdcock in the White House, we shall, indeed, need to defend freedom!” Alas, it seems that Alliance Defending Freedom has different ideas. You see, they contend it’s the poor evangelicals who are under siege right now–from Planned Parenthood. So Betsy took out her correcting pen and made some suggestions for revision before mailing it back.