After Breitbart ran its piece on us, a reporter from the Daily Caller, the feeble spawn of Tucker Carlson’s autoerotic asphyxiation experiments with his bowtie, approached the Betsy Riot page about an interview, eventually producing this Pulitzer-worthy piece:…/punk-patriots-attempt-to-terroriz…/
Yet when the reporter returned to his desk after lunch, something wasn’t sitting right with him, and it wasn’t just that undercooked meatball footlong. It was the DERANGED and ABSURD exchange he had suffered with one of our admins, and so he decided in his infinite wisdom to publish the interview in full here because he was feeling VERY PERSEKKKUTED.…/read-the-absurd-unedited-intervie…/
(Enjoy such finely wrought prose as “Over two-thirds of every gun-related death is a suicide in any given year…”)
‘Punk Patriots’ Attempt To Terrorize Hundreds Of Gun Owners With Explicit Suicide Photos