Big Pussy Is Watching

Big Pussy Is Watching

Check out this great photo of a Betsy in Omaha yesterday by photographer Mike Machian!

What’s Betsy saying, you ask? Word has it she was pointing to the crowd and saying, “You can be a Betsy, and you can be a Betsy, and you can be a Betsy…!

If you are sick to the death of this fucking shit and are ready to kick the Zeitgeist in its fucking scrotum, you are already Betsy–you just didn’t know it!

Let’s change the culture. Let’s fuck shit up. Be a Betsy, goddammit! Do it NOW!

How? Go check out our page’s video section for tips and examples of our actions. Or go to our website at and click on “Get Started.”

Do it. Do it now. And thanks to Mike Machian for this inspirational photo ofBetsy!

Keep Your Rosaries Off Our Ovaries

Keep Your Rosaries Off Our Ovaries

Check this out. The Nebraska Capitol does not allow signs. So some Nebraska Betsies looked to their suffragist forebears and made APRONS to silently protest their tea-bagger governor Pete Ricketts, who has spent a personal fortune reinstating the death penalty and installing compliant senators in the state’s legislature. The Betsies were immediately kicked out of the press conference by the State Patrol, who insisted that the event was only open to people who had a press ID. However, the Governor’s own web site says that the event was open to the public. 

So the Betsies stood outside his office for hours today under these fabulously inspiring murals depicting freedom of speech and suffrage rights. The governor tried to avoid them, and his security team, who had been watching the Betsies fretfully, finally squirreled him through a labyrinth of offices so he could exit the building with minimal exposure to those dangerous aprons. When the Betsies left the building on foot, they were followed for blocks by a state vehicle with tinted windows. The Nebraska Betsies tell us they will not be intimidated.

The aprons say:

We can see why the gentleman scurried off in fear.
We at Betsy Riot want to see more protests like this. Make them squirm, Betsies!