Join the Feminist Punk Patriot Resistance!

Is Betsy in YOUR state? Of course she is. She’s YOU.

You’ve called. You’ve emailed. You’ve marched. Now it’s time to fuck this fascist shit up. Grab a few of your friends and drop us a line. We are the anonymous nonviolent grassroots feminist resistance. We’ll help you set up a riot in your hometown.

Gunlicking Fascist Piece of Trumphumping Shit

Spotted in Minnesota

GOP Stinks of “Roadkill Anus”

Oh, dear. Somebetsy in California left some perfumed literature all over a hotel area where the KKKGB aka the Republican Party was meeting. We hear that the deatheaters were forced to raise toasts to their treasonous takeover of our country and abject toady servitude to Il Douche while the stank of “roadkill anus” lingered in the air.

Download Betsy’s Flyers

Download and print our flyers here. Tape them, staple them, drop them everywhere.…/kt1emp…/AAARDpwsW3u1JYhnBFva6X0Sa…

California Betsy

Photographer Joe Dusel got this photo of the Betsy Riot outside of Congressman Douchebarrel Darrel Issa’s California office today. Issa voted to fuck over his constituents by voting for Trumpcare, and the California Betsies came to remind him what a gun-pushing, death-eating piece of shit he is.

Betsy Fever is Spreading

It appears that Betsy Fever is spreading across the state of Nebraska. Some Betsies way out in North Platte, Nebraska, have just about had fucking enough of the shit-for-brains embarrassment of a state senator in that area, Mike Groene, whose favorite pastime seems to be saying racist shit to high schoolers and insulting public school teachers, usually in a functionally illiterate manner that leads one to conclude he has some serious, pent-up resentment from repeatedly flunking fourth grade English. It turns out this nimrod has somehow become the chair of the state’s Education Committee, because who, in the era of DeVos, could better direct that committee than this grease stain?