Betsy Riot Fucks the Blaze 2.0

Betsy Riot Fucks the Blaze 2.0

Did you see the Blaze’s interview with Texas Representative Snuggles McSweatervest we posted last night? In which Mssr. Sweatervest is moved to something like tears by outrage at Betsy and her Christmas cards? Well, another Betsy was so touched by the interview that she made this dramatic rendition of it for your enjoyment.
The original is here, in case you missed it:

Betsy Sends Truthful Christmas Cards

Betsy Sends Truthful Christmas Cards

Ladies, get a load of this. The publication run by Il Douche’s chief neo-nazi strategist ran a story on little old *US* today. So even as the Electoral College was meeting to install the PGOTUS (Pussy Grabber of the United States), the biggest win for Russia since Sputnik, Breitbart was circulating our photo calling Dear Leader a TWAT. Thank you, Breitbart! Why did we deserve such attention? Because Christmas cards violate the safe spaces of religious right bible-thumping gunlicking NRA jizzstains who communally shit their pants when they are finally–FINALLY!–called out on the very unchristlike violence they promote with their depraved NRA agenda.

Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts Meets Betsy

Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts Meets Betsy

We just received this glorious photo of the recent Betsy Riot protest of Nebraska’s governor showing him talking about Jesus and American greatness right after he invested his personal fortune to reinstate the death penalty and sent officers off to blast Native Americans with water cannons. Fuck your fascism.

Betsy Visits the Nebraska State Capitol

Betsy Visits the Nebraska State Capitol

The governor of Nebraska, Pete Ricketts, is a Trumplicker who is hell-bent on executing people even when his own state legislature is against it and the federal government says he can’t import the drugs. Recently, even as he announced a state budget shortfall and cutbacks to education, he found the resources to send law enforcement officers to North Dakota to help quash the protest of DAPL there. So today a riot of betsies silently protested at his extremely Jesusy Christmas ceremony at the Nebraska state Capitol building. They were eventually ejected by police. The middle sign says “Trump is Putin’s puppet” in Russian.