Don Bacon = NRAsswipe

Republican Congressman Don Bacon of Nebraska’s 2nd District is an NRAsswipe, and last night Betsy Riot popped by to tell him so. Here we have tastefully pixelated an artistic chode sketch because while you can use Facebook to plan your Nazi rallies and sell guns, if you show a cartoon dick you’ll get booted off. Unfortunately, Don Bacon IS a cartoon dick, so it makes our jobs just a little harder… like Don Bacon gets when Wayne LaPierre calls.

Deb Fischer is an NRA Puppet

U.S. Senator Deb Fischer has the personality of a stale low-sodium saltine and the dynamism of a lump fish on quaaludes. Her sole purpose in the Senate is to click the “yes” button every time the NRA or any other greedy racist industry asks to fuck this country. And note to lobbyists: she’s a cheap date, too–a couple of Runzas and some Miller High Life and she’s all yours.

The Only Silencer America Needs

This country-destroying, violence-mongering, racist POS deatheater can go right ahead and shut the fuck up. And for more information on Mr. LaPierre, please do consult the facelift Betsy Riot gave his web site.


Let’s Bake Shit Cookies for Fascists

Why, sure, high-road nice lady resistance group. We’d love to join you as you deliver pathetic cupcakes to your fascist senator’s office.

White Nationalist Assholes

These California Betsies live in California’s 50th congressional district, an otherwise lovely place marred by shitstreak Congressman Duncan Hunter and the white nationalist assholes who voted him in. Hunter hates young immigrants who are productive members of society about as much as he hates people being able to go to the doctor. At the same time, Hunter is a big fan of the NRA and, according to the Office of Congressional Ethics, may enjoy dipping into his campaign donations to buy his family jewelry, groceries, and medical bills… you know, because who needs affordable healthcare when you have a campaign pot to dip into? So California Betsies visited Hunter’s office and called him out for the polyped rectum that he is.


Kentucky Handmaids

Kentucky governor Matt Bevin–an aspiring forced pregnancy farmer who dreams of industrialized birthing warehouses packed with impregnated 12 year old girls who’ve been raped (an enterprise that he plans to underwrite with profits from his used coat hanger business) has gone on the official record as wanting to rid the state of any and all women’s healthcare clinics that might interfere with his woman-enslaving dream by providing the women of Kentucky with their constitutionally protected right to abortion.

Now there’s just one women’s clinic remaining in the state that provides abortions, and drooling, depraved sick fuck Matt Bevin smells victory in the air!–or maybe its just the skanky scent of blister ooze generated from excessive chode-jerking at the idea of enslaving women and owning their pussies. Who knows? Maybe he should hold his cracked, bleeding, overly-yanked pee-pee up to state inspector general Robert Silverthorn’s face and ask him what he thinks it smells like. You know–other than Bevin’s mother’s undies.

Not so fast there, you pulpy, unwashed fart muscles! EMW Women’s Clinic, Kentucky’s last abortion provider, along with Planned Parenthood and the ACLU, would like a word with you. In court. In federal fucking court. Because they’re suing your misogynistic, chode yanking-and-sniffing selves.

It seems that the state has been constantly and maliciously changing its regulatory rules for EMW in the hope of tripping it up, finding it in violation, and closing it down. Chodemeister Bevin and his prison bitch Silverthorn claim it’s all because they love women so much, they want to ensure their health is rigorously protected with nothing but the finest inefficient bullshit that bureaucracy can offer.

EMW, PP, and ACLU beg to differ.

And the Kentucky Betsies were there in Handmaid’s garb standing in silent vigil, bearing witness.

The KY Bets were last seen in their Handmaid garb this summer, at the woman-hating, fetusfetishalooza put on by the Christianity-debasing, pussy-obsessed, forced-birth fanatics Operation Save America.

Way to go, Kentucky Betsies!

Young Men Yell At Clouds


Betsy got a heads up that the “Iowa Libertarian Party” planned a playdate! They are SO MAD YOU GUYS about socialists, and socialism, and VENEZUELA and roads and shit.

Iowa Betsy informs us that the LP dudes assembled at Scooter’s mom’s house for their Libertarian Exceptionalism Book Club meeting (week 45, “Atlas Shrugged”, AGAIN). Then that scrappy band of Izod wearing original thinkers who are impossible to pigeonhole because they are so unique and individualistic when they parrot right wing narcissism masquerading as ideology grabbed their Doritos and Gadsdens, piled into Biff’s Prius, and drove (ON PUBLIC ROADS!!!! THAT. ARE. NOT. PRIVATE.) over to the chosen venue at the appointed hour.

The venue? A park.
A park named “City Park”
In the city of Iowa City.
Give that a minute.

Unbeknownst to the khaki trousered LPers, Betsy had done a recce and prepared her patented Welcome Wagon for them.

You know what actually sucks? #CognitiveDissonanceSucks